Certexams.com, leading practice tests and lab simulator products site, recently updated the website to conform to the latest website standards, including Mobile First design and conformance to TLS1.2 secure website standards. The former, Mobile First design ensures that the site is visible and rendered properly to all popular platforms such as Mobile devices, laptops, and desktops. The later, TLS secure 1.2 means that the website content is delivered securely to the end user who is browsing the website. The content, and any data inputted by the user such as login and passwords are transmitted securely from/to the webserver.
The certificate (SSL) conforms to the latest security standard (TLS) and updated from time to time. Please note that older browsers will not work with TLS and the users may need to update to a newer operating system or browser, whichever be the case.
Please check out the website certexams.com and leave your feedback.
About certexams.com: The website offers exam simulators and lab simulators for various IT certs including Comptia A+, Cisco CCNA, and others. Available lab sims include Comptia A+ Labsim and Cisco CCNA Netsim.