Certexams.com Juniper JNCIA Practice Exams Update


Certexams.com, leading exam sims and network sims provider, recently updated Juniper JNCIA JUNOS exams. The practice tests consist of 250 questions with flash cards.

The exam topics consist of the following:

  1. JUNOS OS Fundamentals
  2. User Interfaces
  3. Configuration Basics
  4. Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
  5. Routing Fundamentals
  6. Routing Policy and Firewall Filters

The certification is among the most reputed certs in Internetworking, comparable with Cisco CCNA. One needs to pass only one exam, JN0-103 Juniper JNCIA JUNOS. Basic features of the exam are given below:

Exam code: JN0-103
Administered by Pearson VUE
Exam length: 90 minutes
Exam type: 65 multiple-choice questions
Scoring and pass/fail status is available immediately
Junos Software Release: 19.4

The practice tests are updated time to time to conform to the latest exam topics and the difficulty level is on par with the actual exam. Download the trial version of the exam before getting full version.

Other practice tests available include Cisco CCNA, Cisco CCNP, Comptia A+, Network+, Security+, and others.